June 16, 2010

2nd Excerpt from Death at the Double Inkwell [podcast]

In podcast #4 of The DDIW Chronicles, I offer yet another tasty excerpt of my mystery novel, Death at the Double Inkwell.

This podcast features the first couple pages of chapter two. If you haven't bought the book yet, this excerpt will surely pique your interest!

You can check out the podcast through my one-stop DDIW shop at my website [link].

While there, you can also listen to me discuss my journey to publication, read commentaries, and most importantly, PURCHASE the novel!

June 14, 2010

Writing in 140: Finding the Desire to Write

What can I say relevant about writing in 140 words or less? I'm not sure myself, but I'm starting a new series of commentaries called WRITING IN 140 where I attempt to do so. The first commentary, "Finding the Desire to Write" is live at the [Blood-Red Pencil]. Check it out and leave your own thoughts on the subject!

June 12, 2010

BEING SOCIAL: Promoting Your Literary Wares through Social Media

Becoming a Lifelong Learner of the Craft of Writing

By author, editor, educator Shonell Bacon aka ChickLitGurrl™

The Write Life for You is a series of articles on the writing craft. Past articles have focused on building character, developing a solid plot, and harnessing a writing style.

In June's article, I look at using social media tools/platforms to help promote your literary wares.

Head to APOOO Books to read my latest article in The Write Life for You series and see how Twitter, Facebook, Ustream, and more can be used to help you sell books. And also lend your OWN thoughts or experience with social media to the discussion!

June 10, 2010

New Features Coming in July!

Yes, AtBaP will be back in July with new author features! We'll be kicking off with four authors who'll be talking about mystery, suspense, and thrillers!