The Writer
Marie Rochelle “The Queen of Tease” is a bestselling, award winning author of interracial romances featuring black women and white men. Her first best selling IR romance was entitled Taken by Storm. Storm Hyde from Taken by Storm won the 2006 Choice hero from REC.
If you want to read interracial romance stories that leave you panting for more and turning the pages faster than you can read them, Marie is for you.
After reading her first “dirty” book as a teenager, Marie knew she had to become a writer. She started writing a few years ago because she wanted to reach for her dream. She writes her characters so her fans will believe in the Happily Ever After. She loves collecting bear figurines and reading a HOT book when she gets the chance.
In 2008 Marie Rochelle won some additional awards from REC for her book Dangerous Bet: Troy’s Revenge:
Erotic Romance - Interracial/Multicultural BEST SEDUCTION, Troy and Headley Rose - Dangerous Best: Troy's Revenge
Erotic Romance - Interracial/Multicultural BEST MALE CHARACTER, Troy Christian
Find out more about Marie at her official site, official blog, Yahoogroup, Yahoo discussion group, and Word Press blog.
The Book

The moment he spotted her he knew that he had to have her. Dave Turner couldn’t get the stunning image of the creamy mocha beauty Charisma Miles out of his mind. He wasn’t going to stop pursing her until she was completely his.
Tall, Handsome and Oh so Yummy!
Muscles and tattoos are her ultimate weakness that’s why Charisma Miles stays as far away from Dave Turner as she can. His rock hard body is constantly the featured attraction in her dreams. He’s her ultimate fantasy, but is she ready for her dreams to become a reality?
Buy Now in ebook and print @ Phaze!
Interracial Romance
What moved you to write interracial romances?
First, I want to thank you so much for the invitation. I appreciate it so much. Well, I have been a fan of interracial romances for such a long time. I have always wanted to be a writer and one day I just decided to give it a chance and I love it. It gives me a lot of pleasure.
Is the difference of race between the main characters always a conflict within your books?
No… I very rarely make race a main factor between the characters. In my book Loving True, the main problem is about two people who have been hurt by love and are scared to get involved again.
With my book Lucky Charms, the hero has to overcome his own insecurities to show the woman he is in love with how much she means to him.
In another book I have written called Boss Man, the hero Troy Christian is very determined to win the love of Headley Rose a woman he has been in love with since he was young.
Junk ‘n’ her Trunk is a sexy read about a woman finding love with her high school crush.
Have you ever received negative comments about your work, and if so, what?
My first interracial romance Taken by Storm gets a variety of comments. Some readers hate Storm Hyde the hero and other readers fall in love with him.
I think it all depends on the reader. He’s the one hero that I do get a lot of emails about.
What has been the overall positive reception to your work?
I get a lot of emails from fans telling me how much they enjoy getting lost in my books. How I can make the characters really come to life for them and that pleases me a lot.
Here we are in 2009 - how open do you think people are to seeing...and reading about interracial love? Do you think there's still a stigma to these relationships?
Sometimes I think it depends on your town because some places are more open to interracial couples and other places may still frown upon it. I honestly think that people have gotten a lot better at seeing interracial couples and the love that they share with each other.
I hope that with it being 2009 there isn’t still a stigma to interracial relationships because love should be colorblind. Love should be between a man and a woman without race being the main thing.
Any closing comments you'd like to make regarding writing interracial romances?
I do believe that writers of interracial romances have come a very long way in the last couple of years. I’m noticing a lot more interracial romance books in bookstores like Kmart, Books a Million, Barnes and Nobles, and Wal-Mart in my hometown.
I think it’s wonderful. When I was a teenager and used to buy books, I seldom saw a black woman on the cover with a white man and now I do. It’s truly a wonderful sight.
The Excerpt
From Tempting Turner
Charisma tried not to squirm but if Dave kept staring at her like that she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions. All she could think about on the way back from the beach was how good Dave’s body had felt on top of hers.
She had to stop this before it went past a few hot kissed and stolen touches with him. She couldn’t get involved with that hunk and the way he constantly mentally stripped each article of clothing from her body. Whatever happened between her and Dave couldn’t amount to more than a hot and steamy affair. It wouldn’t do either one of them any good to think about a happy every after.
She stole a peek at the numbers on the panel and saw there was still four more floors before it stopped on hers. In her mind this had to be the slowest moving elevator in history.
Acting indifference had become such a deep part of her life that Dave’s endless appraisal was wearing her down, but she wasn’t about to let him know that.
After what seemed like ten minutes the elevator finally came to a stop and Charisma let out a sigh of relief. Anymore time in these closed quarters with Dave and she might start licking those tattoos that covered his massive arms.
“Here I am,” she said stepping out of the elevator with Dave’s towering presence right behind her. She felt the warmth of his body as he walked behind her.
“You don’t have to escort me to the door.” Charisma knew that she couldn’t stay a minute longer around Dave or she was going to invite him in to spend the night.
That thought barely left her mind before another followed. All the tingling sensations that Dave evoked in her body was brought back in full force. She had to get away from him immediately before she ended up doing something that she would regret in the morning.
“Thank you for the date and making sure I got back to my room,” she said spinning around to face Dave.
Bedroom brown eyes held hers for a split second before Dave moved closer to her and let his hot gaze run up and down the length of her body. Don’t do this to me, she thought as the desire in her body for him leaped to life. Fight it. Don’t give in.
“I really need to get into my room. Keira has probably already worn a hole in the carpet worrying about me,” Charisma tossed out trying to get rid of Dave, but her excuse even sounded weak to her ears.
“I’m pretty sure your outgoing friend isn’t back yet herself,” Dave whispered inching closer. He reached out and cup her face in his hands, and then ran one of his fingers down the side of her face. “Do you share a room with Keira?”
Kiss me….Kiss me. Her mind screamed as Dave’s wandering touch control her weakening body. She never wanted a man as much as she did him. The wetness of her panties only proved that she was losing her battle with keeping him at arm's length.
“No, I’ve my own room and we share a connecting door,” she moaned as two long fingers disappeared inside the top of her strapless dress. “Please stop we can’t go any further out here in the hallway.”
Dave gave her a smile that sent pulse racing. “So, you finally admit that you want me,” he smirked tugging her top down under her breasts sprung free.
I love your books and have just about every one of them. You keep on writing and I will keep buying.
I enjoy reading your books Marie. Wonderful interview.
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I love writing books that my fans enjoy.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun doing the interview.
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