The Author

Versandra Kennebrew is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, author and founder of the Touch Is Great national campaign to eradicate touch deprivation.
The Detroit city council presented her with the Spirit of Detroit award in 2004 in recognition of her dedication and commitment to enhancing the quality of life of Detroit residents. Her community work has been featured in the Michigan Chronicle, Detroit News, Massage Magazine, WXYZ and WGN morning news.
An advocate of holistic health, Versandra's written and hands on work not only educates it heals. With three e-books, an instructional massage video for couples, and a training program which trains trainers around the world to teach the art of touch to enhance relationships, Versandra hopes to fulfill her mission to touch the world with love.
In the spirit of giving, Versandra is raising money this holiday for the Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS), which helps thousands of homeless Detroiters each year. Through the sale of her newly released book entitled, Thank God for the Shelter - Memoirs of a Homeless Healer, she hopes to reach this goal and touch lives with her true story of triumph over homelessness.
You can learn more about Versandra at her website, her Facebook page, and her MySpace page. You can also check out these sites: Books for Cots and Touch is Great.
About the Book

Thank God for the Shelter is a compilation of memoirs told by once homeless healer, Versandra Kennebrew who has a dream of becoming a successful business woman, but her dreams become a nightmare. She finds herself in a homeless shelter for women and children wondering what brought her to that cross road in her life.
As Versandra transitions from homelessness to self-sufficiency, she embraces eight life principles that put her back on track and allow her to not only dream of success again but to move toward a new goal of becoming a millionaire.
You will immediately connect with Versandra’s plight, because the issue of homelessness affects millions of American’s daily. You see it on television, on your job and maybe in your family. “Thank God for the Shelter” will inspire you and cause you to reflect on the blessings you may overlook each day.
On Memoir Writing
The lure of memoirs for readers is the same as that of reality shows. People want to know what’s really going on in the lives of our leaders, celebrities, and heroes. They want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly because it helps them see that they too have a chance at greatness.
Writers who focus on memoirs may seem egotistic; however, the contrary is true. It takes a humble and balanced person to share their non-fiction stories - their inner most thoughts. In them, they reveal their flaws and triumphs with the world.
I felt compelled to write my story because I recognized that it had encouraged so many people in my immediate circle, and I wanted to expand my reach of positively touching lives. I feel my story and the interactive way I shared it, will bring about healing and improve life-skills for many. I wrote Thank God for the Shelter to be a self-help guide for anyone going through a life transition.
Chapter 2 - Count Your Blessings
Blessings are gifts that bestow favor, prosperity and welfare. You can be on the receiving end or the giving end and experience great joy.
I had always been a giver and I had always felt fortunate. But on one snowy morning, I didn’t feel very blessed. I was freezing while walking to work because I didn’t have a car. The gloves and scarf a woman at the shelter gave me were just what I needed. I knew I had to stay focused on the cars speeding by me, splashing filthy water as they passed, but tears blurred my vision. It was then these words came to me: I have everything I need.
My tears immediately turned to tears of joy. I had pep in my step as I walked and contemplated the words rolling in my head and filling my spirit.
As one who studies genealogy and histtory, I view memoir writing as documents one's life. Writing family history is most wonderful and I am doing that also. I belong to a family history writing group and we encourage and support each other. Tony Burroughs, well known black genealogist says while you are getting your ancestors and family stories, take the time to write your memoirs because who is going to write about you. Not egotistical at all.
Now, I think there is a difference between memoir writing and sensational writing with the purpose to shock and provoke readers. Sometimes, I suppose you have to mix the two. Some people thing they have to tell every little detail, every bad moment, when just maybe it doesn't call for all that. JMO
I'm excited to say that since the date of this interview, "Thank God for the Shelter" has been included as a resource tool for more than 30 shelters. People in transition are learning to become self-sufficient through my encouraging and inspirational story. Thanks "All the Blogs" for the opportunity of greater exposure for my new book.
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